How to Meditate like a Seal?

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Imagine your nostrils touching the salty air. Tiny hairs blowing obliquely, planted on the tip of your snout. You are a seal, for the moment. How does it feel to breathe, dive and meditate like a seal? Whilst we humans rely on our lungs on land some animals, such as seals, can hold their breath for up to 90 minutes. Using science, technology and seal knowledge what biohacking secrets are swimming in the water worlds?

Smart nostrils and breathing

Seals are able to hold their breath for extended periods of time, but like all mammals, they still require oxygen and must come to the surface to breathe. They can be observed gliding through tide pools, identifiable by their small flippers and elliptical bodies. Within the pinniped family, there are two primary methods of breathing: buccal and nasal. Buccal breathing occurs through the mouth, while nasal breathing occurs through the nose. Seals serve as valuable examples of breath control and the ability to maintain calmness underwater.

What is ‘bottling’?

Seals possess a behavior known as "bottling," which involves floating vertically in the water while keeping their heads above the surface. This allows them to rest while remaining alert and able to breathe. Despite their need for oxygen, seals have a higher oxygen capacity in their bodies than any other animal, allowing them to nap both on land and underwater. Their lungs are also much larger than those of humans, allowing them to exchange up to 70% of the oxygen in their bodies with a single breath. Additionally, seals have the ability to maintain a stable body temperature even in freezing water. When exhaling, they often release a deep grunt or other vocalizations such as a high-pitched bark or a long howl.

Mammalian dive response and animal breathwork

During a dive, the autonomic nervous system works in conjunction with the cardiac, pulmonary, and vascular systems to activate the mammalian dive response, which conserves oxygen in the body. This "underwater meditation" has been shown to have a positive impact on the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of seals.

Seal training and free diving

Free-diving, which involves holding the breath while submerged, has been shown to have direct effects on the autonomic nervous system, leading to changes such as apnea, bradycardia, reduced blood flow, and the emptying of the spleen. In 2019, a team of researchers at the University of St Andrews in Scotland conducted a study titled "The Effects of Voluntary Breath-hold Training on Cardiovascular Health and Behavior in a Captive Population of Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus)." The study aimed to understand the effects of breath work on physiology, behavior, and cognitive performance by comparing breath work in seals and humans.

What were the results of the study?

Recent research found that the grey seals that underwent voluntary breath-hold training had a greater cardiovascular health and improved cognitive performance. The study also revealed that the trained seals had higher oxygen stores, better oxygen utilization and stronger lung capacity than the non-trained group. These findings suggest that voluntary breath-hold training can have positive effects on cardiovascular health, behavior, and cognitive performance in animals.

Shallow breathing

When seals are resting at the surface they have developed a technique called "shallow breathing" in which they take in smaller amounts of air at a quicker rate, allowing them to hold their breath for up to two hours while swimming in depths of up to 1000 meters. Weddell seals, for example, exhale to reduce the volume of their lungs. Their lungs begin to collapse at depths of 50 meters and fully collapse at 100 meters. To prevent injury, their ribs and tissue flex like a paper figure.

Seals are specialised in deep breathing

Seals have developed a technique which involves taking deep breaths with small pauses in between before exhaling slowly. This diaphragmatic breathwork can be used in stressful situations to help the animal remain calm. By reducing their heart rate and blood pressure, this type of breathing can regulate the body's sympathetic nervous system. In stressful situations or when experiencing high levels of anxiety, seals use mindful breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can help to ease and relax the mind and body.

How does diving affect blood flow to the brain?

A study in Germany used instruments to observe the brain temperature of hooded seals during diving. The research found that the brain temperature of the seals dropped which resulted in a lower oxygen consumption. The study also found that the seals were able to slow down and increase their heart rate by 50-80% to regulate their use of oxygen. Cold blood was delivered to the brain through the prominent superficial veins in their front flippers, which resulted in a 15-20% reduction in oxygen consumption.

Closing thoughts

With the potential to revolutionise breathwork and neuroscience, biohacking helps us to understand how the body and brain works. And the more we look at animals’ coping mechanisms and physiological adaptations in different environments, the more we learn about our own bodies and problem-solving.

A quick note on 'meditation'. Meditation is a practice that has its origins in ancient religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Over the centuries, meditation has been used as a tool for spiritual growth, mental and physical well-being, and self-awareness. In recent years, meditation has been adopted by many people and organizations as a means of stress reduction and relaxation.

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  • This articles does not constitute medical or mental health advice. These practices are not for everyone and are not a substitute for ongoing healthcare from a medical or mental health professional. Please seek medical advice if you have any concerns about your health.


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